Friday, May 22, 2009


We won't be at home Sunday for me to post this so I thought that I would take this opportunity to tell the world how happy and thankful to God I am for my wife! We will have been married 23 years this Sunday. It has not always been happy years, but then again thats part of life. We have had our share of sorrows, both my parents, her mom and last but by far not least our first dog that we had for 18 years (only pet lovers will understand that one). We have also had our share of joys, the birth of our first grandson (my step-grandson but I hope that I don't show any favoritism) and three grand kids from my sons. We love them all and wish we could spend more time with them, but the distances that come with life doesn't always make that possible (Thank God for skype).

But having said all that the remainder of this blog will be extolling the virtures of my wife. She is a beautiful woman with a gentle spirit. She may not always do the things that I would like her to, but 9 out of 10 times she is right and I know it when I stop and think about it. She is a great cook, which probably explains why we are both on the weight watcher diet right now. I know that I spend way too much time on the computer, but she puts up with it and doesn't complain too much. She loves to write, and I think she is very good at it. I hope she keeps plugging away at it and someday that book with come. We do everything together as our interests are very simular. For a long time we even worked at the same job together. Most peole could not understand how we could do that, but when you are best friends and well as life mates it makes it very easy.

She is always there when I am sick or down in the dumps about something. She listens to me complain and rant and then calmly tells me everything will be alright, and she's right! With her by my side everything is right!

We watched the video of our wedding the other night and I was amazed at how young we were and how beautiful she was then and still is. I know I don't always say it enough, but I want you to know Cheryl I have and will always love you! Happy Anniverary!

1 comment:

Lynilu said...

What a wonderful post. You know, if more people would look for and talk out loud about the positives in our loved ones, I can't help but believe there would be more relationships on a more solid footing. Good you you!

And you're right, no relationship is without bumps, but the become more precious because that makes us know how good the other times are.