Thursday, May 28, 2009

Longwood Gardens

Don and I visited Longwood Gardens this past Memorial Day and celebrated our twenty-third wedding anniversary. It was a beautiful day to go and not too hot. Many flowers were blooming, and the trees and shrubs were a bold green and trimmed with special care. We took some pictures with the new camera. I'll put some up here. I had a little trouble lining them up on this page. Got flustered, so I left some pictures out, but these are enough...

Friday, May 22, 2009


We won't be at home Sunday for me to post this so I thought that I would take this opportunity to tell the world how happy and thankful to God I am for my wife! We will have been married 23 years this Sunday. It has not always been happy years, but then again thats part of life. We have had our share of sorrows, both my parents, her mom and last but by far not least our first dog that we had for 18 years (only pet lovers will understand that one). We have also had our share of joys, the birth of our first grandson (my step-grandson but I hope that I don't show any favoritism) and three grand kids from my sons. We love them all and wish we could spend more time with them, but the distances that come with life doesn't always make that possible (Thank God for skype).

But having said all that the remainder of this blog will be extolling the virtures of my wife. She is a beautiful woman with a gentle spirit. She may not always do the things that I would like her to, but 9 out of 10 times she is right and I know it when I stop and think about it. She is a great cook, which probably explains why we are both on the weight watcher diet right now. I know that I spend way too much time on the computer, but she puts up with it and doesn't complain too much. She loves to write, and I think she is very good at it. I hope she keeps plugging away at it and someday that book with come. We do everything together as our interests are very simular. For a long time we even worked at the same job together. Most peole could not understand how we could do that, but when you are best friends and well as life mates it makes it very easy.

She is always there when I am sick or down in the dumps about something. She listens to me complain and rant and then calmly tells me everything will be alright, and she's right! With her by my side everything is right!

We watched the video of our wedding the other night and I was amazed at how young we were and how beautiful she was then and still is. I know I don't always say it enough, but I want you to know Cheryl I have and will always love you! Happy Anniverary!

Total Randomness

I am a firm believer in blogs having a theme. "Our Adventures" is supposed to be about all the activities and events that happen in the lives of my husband and me. But sometimes that is difficult. Sometimes we don't do very much that justifies putting in a blog. But then sometimes, simple things like relishing the heat of the sun on my face or watching my dog's reaction to a deer feeding at the side of our yard or the fulfillment of gardening or completed housework all might just be worth an entry into the blog. Mundane, routine things we often take for granted.

So I decided to post some pictures I took while trying to figure out my camera. I'm having trouble adjusting the focus because I wear bifocals, and there's so much to the camera I don't understand. But I'll never get it right if I don't start "pointing and clicking." So here goes...

This is the deer Frodo spied. Don puts down corn for the squirrels, but the deer love it. This one is a bit blurry.

Frodo looking at the deer through the front porch vinyl posts

One of my hibiscus flowers

I don't know what these are? Do you?

The tag from this plant says it's a Carolyn Whorton "Caladium."

Our four year old baby

These easy wave petunias are just starting out. They're a deep purple, really, but the picture turned out kind of blue. Weird.

Sunscape Daisy Seaside
"Osteospermum ecklonis" --
Like I'd know that without the tag!

A cool laminate floor is just the ticket after sunning on the deck!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dogs Who Don't Swim

"Do you want to go for a walk?" That's the usual question we ask our dog, Frodo, when it's time to get the leash. He then runs a straight shot to the door, tail wagging all the way. The little guy doesn't ask for much - food, water, a little attention now and then, and of course, daily walks. Yesterday was beautiful outside, so we decided to visit our quaint city park for a few laps around the small pond.

Frodo will stop and smell a blooming flower on occasion. He always looks so cute when he does that. Most of the time though he keeps his nose to the ground. I suppose there are more smells there to capture a beagle's sensitive olfactory system.

We try to encourage him to swim in the pond on warm sunny days. You see, our beagle doesn't much appreciate any form of water unless it's in a bowl or puddle. He once jumped into the Tennessee River and swam when trying to get to Don, so I know he can (but that's another story, and I can't say he liked it). We didn't have to lead him to the water and coax him yesterday. Don and I were walking a steady pace on the paved path when Frodo darted down the hill toward the pond. Don held the leash and followed him. We were both excited to see Frodo step into the water since he rarely does on his own. He walked in up to his belly inciting even more excitement in us. He continued a little further, and our hopes grew even more.

And then it happened - whatever "it" was. Don thinks there may have been slippery moss causing Frodo to lose his footing. In an instant, Frodo took a nose dive into the water. Just his head got covered with one quick motion, but that was enough for him to back out of the water. Well, shucks, we thought he was going all the way this time. It was nice to see him run through the edge of the water though after his little mishap. I think he enjoyed himself even though it scared him.

He can swim. Not all dogs can, but he simply chooses not to so far. Maybe with a little time and some more encouragement. It will be a happy day when he goes into the water on his own to conquer his fear. Hopefully, it will be sometime this summer.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Il Divo

Cheryl and I went to Fairfax, VA yesterday for an Il Divo concert. If you do not know who they are, you can find them on you tube. The show was great! I would go again, but would try for different seats. We were high up and off to a side. But it was still worth the trip.

The most impressive part was that Cheryl and I stayed with in our points for weight watchers! In the past we would have just forgotten the diet for the day and pigged out. But we are both very serious about this and we stuck with it. I'm very proud of her and I don't want to be the one that gets us off the straight and narrow path!

Now back to the show. They performed most of the songs from their newest CD The Promise. I have that CD and love all the songs on it. Their version of Amazing Grace and Mama bring tears to my eyes everytime. They performed for 2 hours and 2 costume changes (Tux). The show was at the basketball facility at George Mason University. The campus and facility was pretty impressive. Click here to watch "Mama." Watch it with your mother or on Mothers Day, if you aren't in tears then you have a very hard heart!

We spent the night at a hotel and got up this morning to drive home. It was about a 4 hour ride, and being the glutton for punishment that I am, I decided to mow the yard just after we got back. Needless to say I am beat tonight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Walking at the Gym

"I am pushing sixty. That is enough exercise for me." ~Mark Twain

Don and I went to the gym today. It had been a very long time since we went together - or at all for that matter. We walked on treadmills for 30 minutes. Well, I walked. Don walked and ran. Maybe this will be the start of something good. However, I do feel like Mark Twain.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Spring Day at the Zoo

We had a wonderful time at the Cape May County Zoo this past Monday. Don decided to take a day off, and the weather was so sunny and nice. We couldn't just stay indoors.

The ride to the zoo was exceptional too. Driving over the bridge toward Ocean City was breathtaking. A big, beautiful blue sky smiled down on us while the bay glistened from the sun. What topped the whole thing off was riding next to Don. We always have fun together. Not bad after almost twenty three years together.

We even stuck with our diet while we were there. Oops, I shouldn't say the "D" word since we're not really "dieting." It's a lifestyle change. Everyone likes it though except the dog. He doesn't get many table scraps these days. At least I stayed away from the shaved lemon ice - my favorite every time I visit a zoo!

I took pictures with our new camera only to find out I needed a better zoom lens. Our Kodak store at the mall is going out of business, so I was able to buy one there at a good discount.

These turtles were cute. If you can see the baby, it's really cute too. I was zoomed in as much as possible with what I had to work with. The baby turtle is at the end of the vertical row at the bottom. Looks sort of like a rock. I don't know if you can click on the picture to make it bigger if you want to see it. (Edit: I have since found out you can). The first picture is Don about to walk through the entrance to the part of the zoo where the buffalo, giraffe, zebra, etc. congregate.

This was the best I could zoom in on the giraffes. Got the bigger, better lens now though. Can't wait to use it. Zoom, zoom, zoom!